How Long Does Apical Dental Surgery Take?

How Long Does Apical Dental Surgery Take?

Team Root Canal

Apical surgery is a minimally invasive endodontic surgery that typically takes less than 90 minutes to complete. Also called an apicoectomy, or endodontic microsurgery, apical dental surgery is a procedure that removes the apex (tip) …

What is a Root Canal?

What is a Root Canal?

Team Root Canal

A root canal is a dental procedure that is named after the part of the tooth that it addresses. The root canal is the inside portion of a tooth root that contains the pulp. Pulp …

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

How Long Does a Root Canal Last?

Team Root Canal

Your teeth are strong and they can put up a fight. When tooth decay and infection wreak havoc inside your tooth, you may find yourself in need of root canal treatment. This commonly performed procedure …